Professional Coaching for you

Supporting clients to harness their talents and successfully achieve their potential

Improve Performance

by being a sounding board, facilitating thinking and problem solving, increase self-awareness and challenge unproductive habits

Communication Coaching

to improve confidence, influencing skills, personal impact, and relationship building

Transition to new roles

coaching new hires/ newly promoted individuals to adapt and succeed in their new roles and responsibilties

“Nicola really gets people and understands how to relate to you. With her, I learned what works for me, the team and our clients. Her supportive approach and her strategic vision as a coach played a significant part in our success as a team in winning work and winning awards.”

- Sector Leader, Accountancy Firm

“Nicola helped guide me through a tricky transitional point in my career. Having an independent third-party encouraging you to stop and think, and to re-set your path that may have gone off track, is highly valuable. Nicola has a wealth of experience and an ease of manner that made those conversations open and productive; I am not sure I could have had those frank conversations with anyone else in my organisation.”

- Partner, Law Firm

“The coaching programme helped me to think clearly about my options. It allowed me to broaden my thinking and not just get stuck on the first idea that comes to mind.”

- Director, Investment Bank

Take a look at how I help clients:

My services